Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Show me your Summer!

Students will give a presentation that shows some pictures of what they did over the summer. Use google presentation, power point, or some other software to be able to display it. Students should use at least five pictures. Ten would be better if you want a better grade. If you don't have any pictures from summer, grab some generic ones from the internet that are similar to what you did. If you didn't do much, tell me what you would like to have done.

Due September 4, 2013.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2013 2014 FCA Student info

Welcome students!

Whether you're returning or new to this class, I'm really excited to meet you and learn about computers and technology together. Class syllabus can be viewed here.

Tell me a little about you by filling out the form below.

Mr. Caldwell
Here's my email to put into your gmail contacts: