Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Spreadsheets - Graphs. February 2013

FCA Technology and Computer Class
Mr. Caldwell

Introduction to Spreadsheets, part 3
January 30, 2013

We’ve learned how to do a simple spreadsheet with numbers, then percentages.  This week we’re going to insert TWO graphs that will visually show our how our budget looks.  Then we’re going to do another spreadsheet based on a cell phone bill and create a chart there as well.

Open your spreadsheet from last time (it can be the one with or without percentages).  Then select FILE, MAKE A COPY.  Name it “Spreadsheet 3 YOUR NAME Graphs”.  Then select OK.  We’re now working on a new copy of the file.  Select the data as we showed in class and then select insert in the menu.  Select chart.

Choose a chart type.  Note that only some of the chart types will apply to the data we have.

Your chart should show the numbers (or percentages in a pie chart).  Both the data and the labels must display for the assignment to be complete.  If you have many items, not every slice of the graph will have a percentage listed.

Once you have inserted ONE type of chart, please do the same thing and insert a SECOND different type of chart.  My recommendation is to do a PIE chart and also a BAR chart.

Please re-read these instructions before turning in the assignment to get full credit.
2 Points extra credit:  create and insert a total of 4 different chart types.

The chart could look something like this:

For the next part of the assignment, you’re going to need to get the cell phone bill from your parents.  If you don’t have a cell phone bill, then use a cable bill.  If you have neither a cell phone or cable, come see me for other options.
We’re going to add another SHEET to our current spreadsheet like shown in class.  Name the sheet cell phone bill.

Look at the bill.  Find the base price for service, then find all the fees and taxes.  Set up your spreadsheet to look similar to this and then create a pie chart that shows the item (service, fees, tax, etc.  Not more than 5 items are needed.).  Both the data and the labels must display for the assignment to be complete.
Here’s an example:

Assignment is due: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 before 8pm.  This is before our next class. 10 points deducted for each late day.  Please turn it in on time and get full credit.

How to turn in your assignment:  While the document is open, click the SHARE button in the upper right hand corner.  Then where it says “add people” type and leave “can edit” selected, then press share in the lower left hand corner.  email me if you are having trouble before Tuesday.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Spreadsheets 2, percentages

Today we're building on what we did last week by adding in percentages next to the yearly total column.

FCA Technology and Computer Class 2013
Mr. Caldwell

Introduction to Spreadsheets, part 2
January 2013

Last week we learned how to setup a basic spreadsheet to track a household budget.  This week we want to add on to that spreadsheet so that we can see the percentages that each category contains.  In class we saw how to find the percentage by dividing each category by the monthly total.

For example:
Rent 1000
Taxes 400
Electricity 200
Phones 200
Entertainment 100
Food 100
Total:  $2000 per month.

What percentage is electricity?  200 divided by 2000 is .1  = 10%.
What percentage is food?  100 / 2000 = .05 = 5%
Each time we divide, we want to divide BY the same bottom number (in this case it’s 2000).

We need to set up the spreadsheet so each number also has a percentage next to it, like the example below.  Remember, use the numbers you used from last week, not my numbers.  Also, remember how important it is to reference the ABSOLUTE cell for the monthly total by putting “$” in front of the cell column and row identifier, for example the formula might look like this:  =SUM(C1/$C$15), then you can copy the formula down and it will do all the computations for you like we saw in class.

You’ll need to format that column as percentage by highlighting the numbers and clicking the % sign in the toolbar or highlighting the column and selecting format, number, percentage.

Item Amount percentage

Electricity 200 3.58%
Water 75 1.34%
Car 500 8.96%
Rent 1500 26.88%
insurance 500 8.96%
Phone Bill 300 5.38%
Food 300 5.38%
Clothing 200 3.58%
Cable TV 250 4.48%
Education 700 12.54%
Pool service 55 0.99%
Cleaning 300 5.38%
Property Taxes700 12.54%

Monthly Total 5580
Yearly Total 66960

Your assignment should look similar to this when you're done:

Assignment is due: Wednesday, January 30, 2013.  10 points deducted for each late day.  Please turn it in on time and get full credit.

How to turn in your assignment:  Show me your assignment in class.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Introduction to Spreadsheets

FCA Technology and Computer Class
Winter 2013
Mr. Caldwell

Introduction to Spreadsheets. January 2013

Spreadsheets are tools used to manipulate numbers.  Almost any math function (addition, subtraction, multiplication, averaging, etc.) can be completed on numbers or sets of numbers. It's better than a calculator in many ways.

Here are some important terms:
Worksheet.  The page that contains all the numbers and formulas.
Cells.  Each individual box on the worksheet is called a cell.  Each cell is referenced by a letter and number.  Examples:  A7.  G32.  K55.  Cells can contain numbers OR letters/words
Formula.  A math function that is completed on a range of cells.  It can also include computation on a range of cells.
Range.  A series or group of numbers that the formula will be applied to.  A range might look like:  A1:G1

Some basic Formula names:
Sum.  A formula that computes the total of a series of numbers.
Average.  The average of a range of numbers.  Example:  the average of 10 and 20 is 15.
Max.  The highest value that appears in a range.
Min.  The minimum number that appears in a range.

Your first assignment using spreadsheets is to create a worksheet that is a simple family budget.  We’ve covered how to do this in class, please feel free to contact me if you’re confused.

Include your name at the top, name your spreadsheet, and then estimate and enter values for:
Rent or Mortgage.
Charitable Giving (or tithes to church)
Vehicles (car payment or lease payment estimate, or if paid for the estimated monthly maintenance cost)
Phones (land line and/or cell phones)
Entertainment (tv, movies, video games, concerts, etc.)
and any other category you want to include in your monthly budget.

Include the NAME of the expense on the left side, then include the amount one or two columns over.  Include a total monthly amount at the bottom.  You must use a formula to come up with the total, not type in a number.  5 Points extra credit:  take the monthly total and also give a yearly total by using a formula to multiply the monthly total by 12.  (hint:  *12 is how to multiply by 12 on a spreadsheet).

It should look similar to this:

Ask your parents to help come up with the numbers.  These are only estimates, made up numbers are fine to use as well if you or your parents don’t want to share some of them.

Assignment is due: Wednesday January 30, 2013 (in two weeks).  We will add some items to it next week. Turn it in a week early and get extra credit.  10 points deducted for each late day.  Please turn it in on time and get full credit.

How to turn in your assignment:  You will show me your assignment.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Using Picasa to make a picture slide show / video


Today's assignment is to work with the 10 pictures you brought from the Christmas break and make a picture slide show / video.

Select the pictures inside Picasa.  Then click Create then Movie then from selection.  We'll work on it in class and you'll be graded next week.

Please check engrade to make sure your grades are up to date and you have turned in all assignments.