Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Word Processing: Outlining

FCA Technology Class.  9-12-2012


Outlining allows you to present information in multiple levels.  In hierarchical outlines, there are main points, and sub point arranged in a tree structure.  This assignment will help you learn to use the outline functions built into all word processors.  Utilize your word processors outline (or numbering) functions.  In google docs, it’s called a numbered list, and is started by clicking the 1, 2, 3 icon on the toolbar.  Then use tab and shift-tab to go back and forth between levels.

You MUST use the outline tool built into google docs to complete the document.  Click the 1/2/3 the is up near the top to use it, then use the tab key (and shift tab to go the other way).  You should NOT need to ever type the a. or 1. or ii., the program does it for you.  If you’re typing a. or 1. or iii., you are not doing the assignment correctly.

Remember, all the sub points must relate to the main point it is under.  Want extra credit?  Provide more detail than I’ve asked for.  Do at least 5 main points and 3 sub points on each and you’ll deserve additional points.

Assignment:  present facts about a President that served from the 1940s - 1980’s.  Pick one of the following:  Truman, Eisenhower Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush.   Please have at least three main points under the President and then include at least two sub points under each main point.  Please be ready to share your assignment with me next week as we learned in class.  Late work will lose 10 points per day.

Here’s an example to get you going (you can not use Roosevelt)

Franklin D. Roosevelt
  1. Thirty Second President of the United States
    1. Born January 30, 1882
    2. Died April 12, 1945
    3. Defeated Herbert Hoover in 1932
    4. Lead with great optimism
    5. Had a paralytic illness
  2. Lead the United States during a time of economic depression and war
    1. Lead the Allies against Germany and Japan in World War II
    2. Worked closely with Winston Churchill
  3. Created the “New Deal”
    1. Attempted to provide relief for unemployed
    2. Regulation of the FDIC
    3. Social Security

1 2 and 3 are MAIN POINTS.  a b c d e f... etc. are SUB POINTS in my example.

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