Wednesday, October 3, 2012

First Christian Academy
Technology and Computers Class, 10/3/2012

Headers, Footers, Footnotes, and Page Numbers.

Today’s assignment is to insert a header, footer, and two footnotes.

Your header should have your name, grade, and class.  It should be CENTER justified, bold, and look similar to this (but type your actual name instead of Your Name)

Your Name, 7th Grade, Computer Class

Your footer should contain First Christian Academy and your teachers name, be RIGHT justified, and look like this:

First Christian Academy, Mr. Caldwell

Then, insert a page number at the BOTTOM of the page (insert, page number, bottom of page)

This assignment will be two or more pages long.  You can copy and paste information from the web.  Please include a picture on each page (resize it to make it look nice, wrap text around it for extra credit).  Include a PAGE BREAK (by pressing control-enter or selecting insert, page break in the menu) to cause the second page to start where you want.

Include two footnotes that show where you found the information you presented.  Was it a internet site?  A magazine?  A book?  This will give you a brief idea on one way to format a footnote, choose the appropriate category for where you found your information and create your footnote with similar style:

example would look like this at the bottom of the page:

1 Lawrence Squires. “A virtual Tour of the White House, circa 1900,” National Landmarks: Then and Now, 1999 <> (21 August 2000).

You choose the subject matter...pick something that interests you.  Pets, cars, sports, vacations, electronics, bands, whatever you like.

Project is due October 10 at the beginning of class.  10% grade reduction for each day late.  Share your paper with me the day prior or that day by selecting share, then using the email address:    in the “add people” box then select done.

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