Wednesday, April 8, 2015

In Class Assignment: Write a paper on future jobs

Read this article:

Then write a minimum 300 word opinion paper using google drive (check your words by selecting tools / word count). In your paper, summarize the article (in one or two paragraphs). After your summary, write your opinion on what this technology means for your future job choices. Include your thoughts on three jobs that will be replaced by automation within the next 10 years. What are three jobs that are unlikely to be replaced by robots? Then, give some thoughts on what choices in education (college) you can make that will help you get into a career that will still be needed. What skills will be most helpful for you to enjoy employment through your life? Finally, give your thoughts on if this change toward more automation/robots is good, bad, or indifferent for society.

300 words is almost a full page single spaced. I'd like your paper to be double spaced; it will be 1.5 to 2 pages long. Use proper punctuation, indent each paragraph (by pressing tab or setting up your margins to do it automatically). Include your name and title of your paper right justified in a header.

The paper is due at the end of class today, April 8, 2014.

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